Tuesday 20 September 2011

Text For Pic 001 - Graeme Keating Jnr eats a scoop of egg, lays down his spoon and then picks up his pen...

And considers the thoughts that are in his head.

Because there is a good deal to think about.

The synchronized swim team application in front of him for one thing.

He has reached question 11:

Reasons for applying for the position of synchronized team member off line (thus incurring added administration costs and a good deal of irritation)?

And straight away the bad thoughts come crashing back in...

The thoughts about the rise of the computers.

Because Graeme has been considering the rise of the computers for several weeks now. The realisation that there might be a problem came to him after cutting some logs in Mr Lindsay Pearson's garden. Lindsay is Graeme's neighbour. And when he saw what Graeme had done he was livid. Graeme realises now that he should have asked first but the tree looked dead. He has paid Lindsay compensation and has learnt a valuable lesson. He's thankful that he and Lindsay are back on good speaking terms again. Lindsay provides excellent eggs from his chicken coup in the garage. Excellent eggs. Large and glossy and good to eat.

But now, as Graeme thinks about the rise of the computers even Mr Lindsay's eggs lose their appeal and once again all he can think about is:

By what right should power be exerted? By what right? By means of an inalienable human right? Should the right to life and a portion of the planets power come simply because we are come to life and are living? Or is the right to exert power gained simply from the ability to exert it? Do the powerful have agency simply because they are powerful and more able to exploit the world around them? What would Sir Richard of Pickled Branston say? What would Sir Lord Alan of Bearded Sugar think? Would they not veer towards the idea that their power is held in their fist or brain because their fist and brain can do better than my/your/our fist and brain? That the general 'can' becomes their 'look I did it' simply because it is? And lets not get emotional. It is just business.

This part of the thought was pretty bad. It led Graeme to drop his logs and for a moment he was unable to move. But then it got worse. Because this thought led to another. And it was this:

If all this is so! Isn't there something obvious that the likes of Donald Top Trump have not thought of? What about when the computers develop to the point that no human can understand them any longer? Won't they demand the right to deregulate and begin self-evolution via human-free development and computer-centric replication? And if so, will these new super computers not reach a point where engaging with humans becomes pointless, slow, full of glitches, full of communication breakdowns? In short - wont’ business work better without people? Won't it become inefficient to waste time on humans? And where will the powerful humans be then? Where will anyone be? Doesn't the logic of capitalism support the entire subjugation of the human race if the needs of a computerised market require it and deem it profitable?

It took several minutes for Graeme to recover after this thought had passed. But finally he lent down to pick up his logs, And as he did so he vowed to start a subscription to human rights watch and more importantly to never ever ever tell anyone about this thought. EVER. Because he knows it would make him sound mad. The only problem is. Since having his thought he has become phobic of all technology and can no longer uses his computer. This has made life difficult. He has an especially hard time explaining why he now refuses to engage with email and insists on conducting all his correspondence in pen and ink.

Which leads Graeme back to thoughts about his application to the local synchronized swim team.

The Team consists of Gloria, Michelle, Tami and Iris. They recently advertised for a replacement after an awful accident, which left Brenda unwilling to ever swim with any of them again.

As a door closes for Brenda opportunity knocks for Graeme.

But Graeme doesn’t know this. He has however noticed that he has spilt a tiny bit of egg yolk on one corner of the application.

He hopes they won’t mind.

He assumes they will approve of egg eating. It is a healthy pursuit after all. And the ladies of the team have been very supportive so far. Especially as the club doesn't usually allow men. In official competitions he wouldn't be able to compete. But the ladies say there is no reason why he shouldn't appear in non-competitive formats. For example the up and coming Autumn Swim Gala and hog roast. Graeme would be very welcome to join the ladies then. If he passes certain tests and his application is appropriate of course.

Oh yes.

Gloria says it will give them a 'Real twist'.

Michelle says it will 'Certainly be a talking point'

Tami says 'If his CRB check is fine, I don't give a fuck one way or the other.'


Iris mumbles something that no one understands. This is her way. So it seems.

But then things are not always as they seem.

Graeme knows this more than anyone.

He eats another scoop of egg. He picks up his pen again and underneath 'Reasons for applying for the position of synchronized team member off line (thus incurring added administration costs and a good deal of irritation)? He scrawls:

A life long love of calligraphy.

He suspects this lie will come back to haunt him but at this moment in time it feels like he has no other option.

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